
大都会咖啡公司– a Chicago headquartered, family-owned business that roasts, packs, and serves ethically-sourced craft coffee around the country – is pleased to announce that it has received unanimous approval by Chicago City Council to open a second location in O’Hare International Airport. In partnership with Fresh Creations and Midway Restaurant Development Ltd., both certified Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) businesses, Metropolis Coffee will be servicing Southwest and International Terminal passengers by Q4 of this year.


Metropolis与Midway Restaurant Development,Ltd。的所有者兼执行合伙人Sulaiman Rahim合作了十年,但是随着Sulaiman的业务发展,他女儿的野心有一天经营自己的Acdbe Enterprise。如今,法哈娜(Farhana)对学习家族企业的15年奉献精神获得了回报,因为她作为公司的独立企业Fresh Creations已与Metropolis Coffee在O'Hare机场的第二个地点获得了第一笔合同。

“要说我为我的女儿感到骄傲,这是一种轻描淡写,因为她致力于学习这项业务的领域,现在正在自己制作自己的业务。见证并参与其中是一件美丽的事情。”苏莱曼·拉希姆(Sulaiman Rahim)说。“对于法哈娜(Farhana)作为独立企业主的第一份合同与大都会咖啡(Metropolis Coffee)在一起,我感到非常高兴;两家公司都掌握在很棒的情况下。”


“我很荣幸能与大都会的独立咖啡馆合作作为ACDBE认证的合作伙伴,并期待与我的父亲和托尼在未来的几年中与我的父亲合作,” Fresh Creations总裁Farhana Rahim说。“我们的目标是向大都市作为“通往芝加哥咖啡的门户”向世界各地的人们展示,同时也强调了其他当地食品和饮料品牌。”

不熟悉大都会咖啡公司的奥黑尔(O’Hare)的旅行者将很高兴得知它已被称为“年度国家烘焙师”烤杂志;Good Food Foundation获得Good Food Awards的“背靠背金牌获得者”;由最重要的“芝加哥咖啡店”之一芝加哥食客;和“世界上最好的九种咖啡之一”Saveur杂志;使其成为芝加哥咖啡现场的理想“入门味”。

Visitors to Metropolis Coffee’s second O’Hare location can anticipate classic and specialty coffees, as well as handcrafted drinks, seasonal offerings, and locally created bites from Chicagoland food partners such as Bennison’s Bakery, Sugar And Spice, Middle East Bakery, and Defloured: A Gluten Free Bakery. Additionally, the independent cafe will offer online ordering through Toast, as well as Grab Technology, and At Your Gate – programs which allow travellers the option order their café items online and have them conveniently delivered to their respective gates.


