
英国咖啡店Costa Coffee已宣布推出100%纤维盖的新试验。盖子由可再生植物的材料制成,盖子可回收100%可回收,在英国的150家Costa咖啡店可用,直到股票持续。


该试验将在受控环境中进行大量测试和开发,收集新盖子的“现实生活”消费者和商店团队成员的反馈,包括外观和感觉。盖子还将在今年夏天在精选的Costa Express机器中进行试用。如果成功,Costa Coffee将在2023年初推出新的盖子。

新的纤维盖将在小型,中和大外卖杯尺寸上可用,并且比当前的聚苯乙烯塑料盖低高出50%。作为减少环境影响的持续努力的一部分,去年,哥斯达黎加咖啡将外卖杯内部的衬里更改为植物性塑料,而不是油基塑料。这些杯子现在在全国范围内可用,比Costa Coffee回收时的碳足迹低26%。新纤维盖的试验将意味着那些选择外卖杯的消费者将能够在100%基于植物的包装中享受他们最喜欢的Costa咖啡。

Commenting on the announcement Costa Coffee’s global brand & sustainability director, Deb Caldow, said: “Last month we announced our global carbon reduction targets, committing to halving carbon emissions per coffee serving by 2030 and reaching Net Zero by 2040. Targets require action and today’s announcement is another positive step in the right direction, helping improve single use options for coffee fans.

“我们在包装中的三个关键领域同时工作 - 再利用,减少,回收利用。我们的目标是鼓励消费者通过提供可重复使用的“租用杯子”计划,并通过增强的忠诚度计划奖励消费者,从而定期适应重复使用,从而奖励那些选择重新使用的人。


“We’re confident that the trial will show us that consumers are ready for the switch from plastic to fibre and that as the UK’s favourite and biggest coffee shop chain, we can make a huge difference in reducing the volume and impact of single-use, oil-based plastic, on the environment. We hope other brands will join us in giving consumers easy ways to make more sustainable choices when enjoying their daily coffee.”

Also leading on reuse, Costa Coffee recently extended its UK trial of a blockchain technology-powered reusable cup scheme, BURT (Borrow, Use, Reuse, Takeback), which allows consumers to borrow (‘rent’) a reusable cup to takeaway and return it on their next visit. They also relaunched their loyalty scheme last year with sustainability considerations at the forefront through the introduction of “Green Beans”. The scheme now rewards consumers with a free drink after only four purchases when using a reusable cup, compared to 8 purchases in a takeaway cup.

最后,Costa Coffee的2030年目标是每份咖啡每份咖啡排放的目标,这是基于科学的目标计划(SBTI)批准的,这是CDP,联合国全球紧凑型,世界资源研究所和自然界的国际认可的合作伙伴关系。Costa Coffee也是最早注册英国零售联盟气候行动路线图的品牌之一,继续领导和参加外部行业联盟。


