

Olam Coffee之间的合作伙伴关系,OLAM食品成分(OFI)和国际非营利组织Technoserve,作为最大化美洲咖啡和可可的机会(Mocca)ProjecT将提供一项全面的培训计划,以使农民拥有知识和技能,以提高其生产率和收入,并获得高价值市场。


在收获期间,该计划的重点将转向直接将生产商连接到市场以出售其豆类,而不是通过多个中介机构的通常路线。现场工作人员将在Olam Direct上培训和注册农民,Olam Direct是一个数字购买平台,使农民能够直接与Olam进行谈判和业务,并访问每日市场价格的信息,以便他们从农作物中保留更多的价值。对于OLAM,该平台提供了一种可追溯性工具,并捕获了该计划活动的数据,这些数据将符合经济指标atsource- 该公司的可持续发展见解平台 - 将用于跟踪和监视进度。

Commenting on the partnership, Nikhil Chandan, vice president & country head Guatemala at Olam Coffee said, “At a time when Covid is compounding the vulnerability of small-scale producers to climate and market shocks, there’s an added pressure to encourage and connect with growers so they can become more productive and resilient.” He said that Olam works with 650 farmers in Guatemala through existing sustainability programmes, but “we rely on collaboration to scale up our impact. This partnership is a really exciting opportunity to make a meaningful difference to the livelihoods of these 4,000 farmers and their families by enabling them to increase their yields by 30% by 2022. This will contribute to Olam Coffee’s wider target to improve the economic viability of coffee production for 200,000 households by 2025, as set out in our new sustainability strategy咖啡。”

Mocca总监Ryan Bathrick补充说:“共同努力,我们更有效,并产生更大的影响。我们对提供改善生产者生活条件的业务解决方案的兴趣团结在一起。通过咖啡种植者的辛勤工作,并利用一种模型,该模型提供了培训和获得本来难以获得的服务的模型,农民可以进入高价值市场。这可以持久地改善生产者及其家人的生活条件。”

The project is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food for Progress Program: “USDA is proud to be able to support this program, which aims to improve the lives of coffee producers in Guatemala,” said Rachel Nelson, regional agricultural counsellor for Guatemala, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service.


