女制作人在2018年Ernesto Illy Int’l Coffee奖中获得最高荣誉

由PhilotéeMuzika代表的卢旺达的Ngororero咖啡洗衣店种植的咖啡豆被指定为Illycaffè的第三届年度Ernesto Illy Illy International Coffeed Award(EIICA)的“最佳最好的”。该奖项获奖者 - 第一位获得荣誉的女咖啡生产商 - 是从2017 - 18年度收获的全球最佳地段中选出的,该收成是九个国家的2017 - 18年度收获,其种植者于10月4日在纽约市的Rainbow Room参加了盛会。联合航空公司(United Airlines)颁发的另一项单独的“咖啡爱好者选择”奖也代表Ngororero咖啡洗衣店授予了Muzika,这是EICCA历史上首次授予两种荣誉。


“很高兴认识到Ngororero咖啡洗衣店和Muzika女士的成就,以及我们所有决赛入围者的成就,他们专注于通过可持续方法生产最高品质的咖啡,” Andrea Illy说。颁奖典礼上的Illycaffè。“本周庆祝一个更大的主题,这是世界上2500万咖啡的家庭的巨大奉献,骄傲和才华,他们每天都在我们的杯子里充满并补充我们的灵魂。”


EIICA, named for illycaffè’s visionary, second-generation leader, Ernesto Illy, celebrates his company’s hand-in-hand work with farmers for the past 27 years to realize his dream of offering the best coffee to the world, and his commitment to improving the well-being of the world’s coffee growers.

Prior to last night’s gala, emceed by Ted Allen, host of Food Network’s Chopped, Chopped Junior and The Best Thing I Ever Ate, a panel of tasting, culinary and coffee experts from around the world took on the task of choosing this year’s “Best of the Best” bean, based on criteria including aromatic richness/complexity, balance/elegance and aroma intensity/strength in a series of blind tastings. The jury included: Mark Pendergrast, author (Uncommon Grounds: The History of Coffee and How it Transformed Our World, and Beyond Fair Trade: How One Small Coffee Company Helped Transform a Hillside Village in Thailand); Owen Dugan, features editor at Wine Spectator (who is considered to be among the world’s foremost experts in viniculture); Peter Giuliano, chief research officer at the Specialty Coffee Association (and former co-owner of Counter Culture Coffee); Sunalini Menon, Asia’s first female professional in the field of coffee cupping (and the former director of quality control for the Coffee Board of India); as well as Michelin-starred chefs: Alfio Ghezzi, the executive chef of Locanda Margon in the Trentino territory of Italy, and Niko Romito, acclaimed Italian chef (runs the restaurant Reale in Castel di Sangro, the two Spazio bistros in Milan and Rome, and every Bulgari Hotel restaurant around the world).

The “Coffee Lover’s Choice” award, presented by Massimiliano Pogliani, CEO of illycaffè, on behalf of illy partner United Airlines, was determined by a “jury” of over 1,500 discerning consumers who visited flagship illy café locations in Kuala Lumpur, London, Milan, Paris and San Francisco, and at special events in Athens and New York City, all of whom tasted coffee prepared from the same beans as for the expert jury.

Pogliani说:“这一切都始于独特的Illy Blend,年复一年地发展,这使我们对咖啡起源的深入了解与我们与咖啡种植者紧密合作的直接贸易模式相结合,以生产最高品质的阿拉比卡豆。”“明年,我们计划继续扩大我们的作者笔记计划,这是针对伊利球迷的独家体验,围绕着品尝和购买2018年在我们的IllyCafé商店的2018年颁奖典礼上的九个决赛选手。”

来自九个决赛国家的27名种植者代表,许多人首次访问纽约市 - 对于某些人来说,这是有史以来第一次离开自己的本国 - 还参加了由伊利(Illy)主席主持的咖啡特定研讨会。来自联合国国际咖啡组织(ICO)和Unido(联合国工业发展组织),涵盖了包括不断发展的实践,业务管理,气候变化,可持续性,缩小性别差距和影响咖啡行业的大趋势在内的主题。

ICO的运营负责人Gerardo Patacconi在演讲中指出,咖啡价格的下跌导致贫困增加,这导致移民和社会动荡,这又导致农民对农场的投资减少和改善农场,并改善了农场。或一起放弃咖啡生产。他说:“在短期内,咖啡种植者的生计处于危险之中。”“长期,世界咖啡行业的未来生存能力是有问题的。”

EIICA植根于27年前在巴西建立的计划,最初称为Premio de Qualidade doCafèPara意式浓缩咖啡,这将伊利的转型推向了一家公司,该公司今天直接从能够达到其严格质量标准的生产商那里购买了近100%的咖啡豆,其保证的溢价超过了平均30%的市场价格。EIICA于2016年首次在纽约市举行。



