



Data and feedback from the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Inter Governmental Group (IGG) Tea, located in Rome, Italy, together with the London-based International Tea Committee’s (ITC) Annual Bulletin of Statistics issued in October 2019, offer a thorough overview of the current state of the global tea market. Thus, looking back over the past decade helps identify trends and provide an outlook towards future developments.


World tea production has increased at an average annual growth rate of 4.7 percent over the past decade to reach 5.89 million tonnes in 2018. This continued growth in global volume was mainly generated by China’s hugely expanded tea output, which has almost doubled since 2009, reaching 2.616 million tonnes in 2018, that is, 44.4 percent of the world’s teas. This massive expansion caters to an unprecedented growth in domestic demand, coming from an ever-growing urban population with more and more disposable income.

Production in India, the world’s second largest tea producer, also shows growth with an output of 1.33 million tonnes in 2018, up by 37 percent since 2009. Output in the two largest tea-exporting countries, Kenya and Sri Lanka, reached 0.49 million tonnes and 0.30 million tonnes respectively in 2018, with Kenya displaying an increase of 57 percent since 2009, whilst Sri Lanka’s tea output, hampered by bad weather conditions and restrictive government rulings, shows growth of only five percent since 2009.

黑茶继续占据主导地位,红茶和绿茶片段之间的这种分裂线仍然是全球茶界的主要特征。为了确保英国,荷兰和北美消费者的供应,传统的拍卖系统是在殖民统治期间引入的。大约150年前,在印度,斯里兰卡,东非和印度尼西亚出口目的就推出了工业红茶制造业。ITC首席执行官Manuja Peiris表示,拍卖系统仍然是移动重要量并以销售价格兑现的最佳方法。完全透明的系统被任命的员工公开运行,可以很好地了解供求的状况。

印度茶研究协会(TRA)首席官员兼秘书乔伊迪普·菲坎(Joydeep Phukan)指出,拍卖系统可能需要进行一些大修,以采用更灵活的程序和更好地利用数字方法。他指出,目前正在进行有关现代化的印度拍卖系统现代化的调查,该系统经营着五个区域平台,并将2018年拍卖售出的黑茶的总量占了41%。

负责IGG TEA的粮农组织官员El Mamoun Amrouk证实了这些观点,并强调了拍卖份额按全球茶水出口量计算出的茶的份额从2009年的61.4%上升到2019年的68.6%,看起来像68.6%操作员继续批准该系统作为最佳选择。他还说,茶价自2017年以来一直处于下降趋势,但部分在2019年恢复了。与中国茶当局进行了谈判,以找到捕获绿茶价格数据的方法,以改善覆盖范围并获得有关全球全球的更多见解。茶销售收入。

另一方面,绿茶的高度多样化的世界被传统的起源茶叶生长和消费,中国领导,其次是越南,日本和韩国,他们已经种植了几个世纪的茶peoples’ own heritage cups. In China, which is widely accepted as the cradle of tea cultivation, there are no auction platforms and no agreed grading and quality standards. Thousands of different teas harvested from the many tea regions are displayed on sale in the local towns’ dedicated tea markets, with huge such tea market hubs in Guangzhou/Kanton, Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai, Wuhan and Kunming, etc.

交易是以一个完全私人的人向人进行的,没有价格/数量披露,没有透明性和没有数据的方式进行交易。经常报道的事实是,在过去的几年中,随着需求的增长,中国的茶价持续上涨。现在,这为印度,斯里兰卡和越南打开了一扇门,以向中国消费者提供一些新颖的杯子和质量/价格比。日本有一些公开拍卖交易主要用于Sencha Green Teas,批发公司在这里购买以准备混合物,但在本地规模很高。越南或韩国没有拍卖。



在主要进口市场中,人们可以看到,成熟的成熟市场的下降持续,主要是俄罗斯和英国的饮用品市场,自2009年以来,进口的进口分别下降了9%和百分之十。the ongoing growth of tea imports to the USA, where tea consumption continues to rise with an increase of eight percent since 2009. The USA now ranks rank as the world’s number three tea-importing market, with 0.12 million tonnes in 2018. Imports for consumption are also up in Pakistan, where volume has more than doubled since 2009, reaching 0.19 million tonnes in 2018 (mainly black tea). Morocco, the world’s biggest green tea importer, registered an increase of 35 percent with 0.07 million tonnes imported for consumption in 2018.


Forecasts may not look satisfactory though, with Unilever, the world’s leading tea manufacturer, announcing during its fiscal year revenues and earnings report, that it is considering selling its global tea business, which includes the Lipton and PG Tips brand, both of which dominate many Western markets. This declaration, made in January with Unilever also stating that mass market black tea bags have no more future in the West, is shaking up the tea world right now. Over the last few years, Unilever has invested in the premium segment by buying Australia’s T2, the UK’s Pukka Organic Herbal tea brand, and the Tazo brand from Starbucks, thus acknowledging that the premium tea segment had important potential for the future.








建立一个平台来照顾小农利益的需求变得真正紧迫。To support and advocate for smallholders, the Confederation of International Tea Smallholders (CITS) was established in 2018. Under the supervision of the FAO IGG Tea, the CITS will be hosted in China’s Sichuan province as a first step, but it is not yet fully operational.


此外,变化的天气模式威胁着包括茶在内的许多农作物,这使收获更加不可预测和威胁农民的收入。Looking towards 2030, an expected increased population and less arable land will also put a strain on the five continents’ available fields, with a preferential allocation to food-crop growing, squeezing the acreage for permanent crops, like fruit trees, vineyards, tea, coffee and cocoa. With such forecasts one can expect to move towards a small top premium market for high quality teas and a mainstream market geared towards extracts, ready-to-drink (RTD) teas and industrially processed cups.




根据全球市场情报公司Euromonitor International的数据,今天总RTD数量是中国,日本和美国,今天的三个冷茶市场,但这种趋势正在迅速传播到许多其他市场。



  • 芭芭拉·杜弗恩(BarbaraDufrêne)是欧洲茶委员会的前秘书长,也是La Nouvelleduthé的编辑。她可能会在:b-dufrê到达:[电子邮件保护]


3对“ 2020年全球茶市场报告”的回应

  1. deyu xie 说:


    deyu xie

    • 亚历克斯·里弗斯 说:


  2. 非常有用的作品。谢谢

