

根据事实。先生,the market is expected to grow on the heels of increased adoption by consumers and heightened penetration of booster beverages on supermarket aisles.此外,由于增强免疫力的特性,增强饮料在新冠肺炎疫情期间和之后受到了公众的广泛关注。在很长一段时间里,对许多人来说,茶和咖啡是最受欢迎的茶点饮料,然而,速溶能量饮料的供应相当有限,直到最近。从历史上看,助推器饮料,尤其是能量助推器,通常只有运动员或积极的健康爱好者才会饮用。

过去几年,由于制造商以可承受的成本提供了广泛的产品,助推器饮料行业已经发生了重大变化。的事实。先生reports that the shift in global preferences towards a healthier lifestyle and fitness standards set under the umbrella of spreading use of social media has accelerated product adoption among the general population.与传统饮料相比,增强饮料有几个优点,这导致了对产品的需求增加。例如,促进饮料通过增强能量或免疫力,或改善皮肤、头发或消化来促进健康。这些应用进一步多样化的成分,如咖啡因,兴奋剂,人参,前/前仿生学,维生素和矿物质,仅举几例。

此外,青少年(Z世代)和35岁以下的年轻人(Z世代和千禧一代)对增强饮料的消费越来越多,这也推动了市场的发展,这些人往往更注重健康和健身。的事实。先生notes that because of their ability to improve performance, endurance, and alertness, booster drinks are replacing coffee and tea in the aforementioned age group.

的事实。先生further finds that the booster beverage market will grow during the forecast period because of factors such as gradually increasing per capita disposable income of the population, increasing population density, expanding variety of flavours in ready-to-drink (RTD) boosters (which is already quite extensive), and a rise in health consciousness at individual levels. Additionally, there is increasing availability of natural and organic ingredients in booster beverages, which has further enhanced booster drink sales.

的事实。先生’s research also shows:

  • 人口个人健康意识的提高以及所提供的产品中各种营养成分的加入将在短期内大大增加对增强饮料的需求。
  • 由于抹茶、卡斯卡拉和瓜拉那等植物性原料的水果味和健康益处越来越多,促进饮料的销售预计将在长期内增长。
  • 在东亚、南亚和拉丁美洲等发展中地区,人均食品和饮料支出的增长将为市场参与者提供有利可图的增长机会。


此外,事实。先生’s research notes that caffeine addiction is another side effect of a disproportionate intake of these beverages, which can lead to insomnia, anxiety and dehydration. Hence, the growth of the booster beverage market may be dented due to the aforementioned adverse health effects. So, while coffee and tea brands should be keenly watching the booster beverage market, they should be optimistic yet remain innovative and opportunistic.




