
IDB Invest Corp,该子公司IDB组总部位于华盛顿特区,向价值高达5000万美元的融资Grupo Mercon。该协议旨在支持拉丁美洲咖啡的价值链,促进增长并支持经济复苏。

由于咖啡领域在拉丁美洲面临着真正的财务困难,因此该项目旨在为整个咖啡价值链中的借款人提供流动性。这包括Mercon的原产地运营,咖啡生产(无论是从Mercon和/或第三方)及其处理,到目的地,物流和商业化(主要是出口)。该项目背后的一个主要思想是促进默顿销售在五个国家 /地区的咖啡销售的增长:巴西,哥伦比亚,危地马拉,洪都拉斯和秘鲁。

IDB’s investment, which is subject to optional incremental features, is part of a $500 million regional syndicated loan facility, structured, managed and administered by Rabobank, with prices linked to key sustainability initiatives, aligned with Mercon’s strategy of raising the standard of living of coffee-growing communities in the region. The financing consists of a revolving, uncommitted, short-term credit line linked to sustainability parameters of up to $50 million. The participation of IDB Invest is designed to support Mercon in ways which ensure the financing for its own operations, and primarily the financing of its own original activities.


The financing includes a discount based on compliance with sustainability performance indicators, helping Mercon’s LIFT program that is focused on supporting coffee producers to improve their productivity levels, incorporating sustainability practices together with the Semillas para el Progreso Foundation, which contributes to the general well-being of coffee-growing communities. IDB Invest will be the Sustainability Coordinator for the operation, alongside three other financial institutions: the World Bank’s International Finance Corp (based in Washington, DC); Rabobank, a 125-year-old bank based in the Netherlands, and ING Capital LLC, a bank based in Australia.

IDB Invest将通过技术援助,通过支持咖啡生产商的价格保护机制的试点测试来资助,这将通过财务风险管理工具帮助他们管理财务风险。此外,IDB Invest将设计工具,以促进实施碳信用计划,从而带来经济利益,并帮助大型咖啡烘焙商满足其碳中立性承诺。技术援助的两个组成部分都将融合一个性别观点,这将使更多的提升计划参与者成为女性。

IDB Invest是IDB集团的成员,IDB集团是由国家政府拥有的多边开发银行。自从四十多年前成立以来,IDB一直致力于通过私营部门促进其在拉丁美洲和加勒比海的成员国的经济发展。IDB投资财务可持续公司和项目,以取得财务业绩,并最大程度地利用该地区的经济,社会和环境发展。

Mercon Coffee Group是一家垂直整合的全球绿色咖啡供应商,成立于1952年,是一家咖啡出口公司。Mercon总部位于荷兰,是世界上十大咖啡供应商之一,为60多个国家 /地区的客户提供量身定制的服务。Mercon在可持续性方面是领导者,并推动了许多举措,包括其升降机计划,该计划着重于全球咖啡社区的创新和繁荣。

  • 戈登·费勒(Gordon Feller)是加利福尼亚州的一位自由职业者,他在世界范围内向世界报道了有关可以改变我们经济并加强小型企业的创新。他可以接触到[电子邮件保护]


